Animal Health

PacificAg is devoted to providing products and services that improve on farm efficiency at a realistic cost and develops strategies for farmers that save time and labour yet deliver sustainability for years to come.

Animal Health plans improve livestock performance to maximize their production whether it be weight gain or milk by better utilisation of their feed. These plans document the daily intake of the various grasses, meal supplements and minerals that are being fed to the animals.

This information is then analysed for the protein, carbohydrate and fibre content and an M.E is produced from this information. The grass is analysed and an animal dietary mineral balance is produced. A formula is then used to determine what amounts of the various feeds should be given to the livestock to minimise wastage and maximize the M.E.
Deficiencies in the mineral balance of the grass or feeds is recognised and added to the plan at the appropriate times. Again minimising wastage.

This product increases the utilisation of the daily food by improving the activity of the small intestine of the livestock especially when food value is poor or high in protein. This can be fed to animals in a similar way as the minerals via the water they have access to every day.
These programmes are extremely effective but not necessarily expensive. Often it is a redirection of the supplementation money that you are spending now. There are specific Beef, Sheep and Lamb programmes.

The plans incorporate information and findings from Lincoln, Massey and Hills Laboratory. Hills are used for all laboratory analysis.



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